Engine Chess

Play Smart. Play Free.

EngineChess is a free and open source application designed to help you become stronger at chess. The bot is advanced, though for those newer to the game, a handy hint feature will help you see the strongest move in the position.


Play Against AI

Playing against a chess engine is a great way to improve your game as they tend to be far stronger than human opponents. When playing against this engine, you can choose the level of difficulty ranging from intermediate to World Champion and beyond! Fancy a challenge?


Analyse Positions

EngineChess uses the latest version Stockfish 17 to assess positions allowing you to learn from mistakes, and make informed decisions about games you've played.


Play Assist

During your games, you can request a hint from the engine. This can be disabled in setings if you would prefer. When you ask for a hint, the engine will give you its recommendation as to the best move.